Better security expected at Sibu market with installation of 93 CCTV cameras

Posted on 27 Jan 2022
Source of News: The Star (Andy Chua)

(From fourth left) Tiang, Chieng and Tan turning on a switch to light up the lanterns at Sibu Central Market.(From fourth left) Tiang, Chieng and Tan turning on a switch to light up the lanterns at Sibu Central Market.

TOUTED as the largest in the country with 1,200 traders, Sarawak’s Sibu Central Market will have better security when 93 closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras are installed soon.

Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) Market and Petty Traders Standing Committee chairman Albert Tiang said a contractor had been engaged to carry out the work.

“The installation is expected to start after Chinese New Year,” he said at an event to light 347 lanterns at the central market.

Bukit Assek assemblyman Joseph Chieng pressed a button to light the lanterns.

Also present was Sibu Hawker Welfare Association chairman Tan Hong Kiang.

Tiang said the CCTV cameras would cover the entire market with long range, short range and wide angle 360-degree views.

It will be linked to apps that will facilitate remote monitoring.

“With the CCTV, it will be easier for the council to monitor activities in the market, including theft and fights.

“It will also help us nab parking offenders who cause traffic congestion,” said Tiang who is also an SMC councillor.

He said the lanterns were an ongoing project to decorate the central market during festive seasons such as Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hari Gawai and Christmas.

“It will help attract visitors, especially since the central market is our icon in Sibu,” he added. — By ANDY CHUA