‘Itut’ a hit among visitors at BCF’s opening night (Video)

Posted on 17 Jul 2023
Source of News: The Borneo Post (Peter Boon)

Dr Annuar tries the ‘itut’ while on his left is Abang Carrol. – Photo by Peter BoonDr Annuar tries the ‘itut’ while on his left is Abang Carrol. – Photo by Peter Boon

SIBU (July 17): The 43-foot-high ‘itut’ (Melanau traditional giant swing) at Dataran Tun Tuanku Bujang here is a hit among visitors to the Borneo Cultural Festival (BCF) 2023.

According to the ‘itut’ lead coordinator Councillor Abang Carrol Abang Dris, almost 90 people tried out the swing on Saturday night – the first day of BCF.

“The response was very good. What was even more interesting to see was that foreigners also joined in the fun to try out the swing,” he said when met.

Abang Carrol, also chairman of Melanau Welfare Association of Kampung Nangka, said the swing’s daily operation is from 6pm to 10pm throughout the festival, happening from July 14 to 23.

“But if there is good response that night, we will consider extending it by another hour,” he said.

Earlier Saturday, Deputy Minister for Education, Innovation and Talent Development Datuk Dr Annuar Rapaee ‘unlocked’ the swing in a symbolic gesture to declare its opening.

“Unlocking the swing here means to officiate it,” said Abang Carrol.

The Melanau Welfare Association of Kampung Nangka has been appointed by Sibu Municipal Council to handle the construction of the giant swing.

The construction began on June 28 with some 20 volunteers from the association involved.

Also known as ‘tibau’ in the Mukah Melanau dialect, the ‘itut’ will be one of the highlights of BCF 2023.