Food courts need first aid kits

Disiarkan pada 12 Apr 2023
Sumber Berita: The Star
FIRST aid kits need to be provided at food courts, for times of emergency, says an NGO in Sarawak.

Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) Sibu branch chairman Chua Hiong Kee said he had suggested this to the new Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) deputy chairman Mohammed Abdullah Izkandar Roseley.

Chua said every minute counted during an emergency. He was speaking after the launch of MRCS Sibu branch annual flag sales by Sarawak Deputy Public Health, Housing and Local Government Minister Michael Tiang.

“We cannot wait until the ambulance arrives,” said Chua.

“Somebody needs to apply first aid when a person meets with an accident or suddenly falls sick, as the chances of recovery would be better,” he said, adding that he hoped the council would consider providing the first aid kits.

Chua said MRCS would provide free first aid training to food operators.

Mohammed Abdullah said he would bring the matter to SMC for consideration.

“As far as I can see, food courts are only equipped with fire extinguishers now.

“It is a good precautionary measure for both customers and food operators.

“There should be at least one trained first aider too,” he said.