Keep house compound clean to curb dengue, urges Sibu council

Posted on 25 Jun 2022
Source of News: The Star (Andy Chua)

Ting (fourth from right) with volunteers during the clean-up at Kampung Bahagia Jaya, Sibu.Ting (fourth from right) with volunteers during the clean-up at Kampung Bahagia Jaya, Sibu.

Residents in Sibu have been reminded to cooperate with the local authority in its fight against dengue. One death has been reported so far this year.

Sibu Municipal Council chairman Clarence Ting said one of the biggest problems was people not taking care of their house compound.

“Cleanliness should begin at home.

“On a recent trip to Klang, Selangor, I saw many houses there left unattended.

“The situation is similar here,” he said during a campaign to clean up the Kampung Bahagia Jaya resettlement area in Sarawak.

Ting said that while the council looked after general cleanliness, households should do the same for their garden and start by emptying containers to prevent Aedes mosquitoes from breeding.

“Do not even leave clean water in containers as mosquitoes breed in clean water,” he advised.

He also said the council would remove overgrown trees and shrubs.

“Do not plant trees and fail to look after them,” he reiterated.

On Kampung Bahagia Jaya, Ting said the area was beset with many problems, including flooding.

“We will try to desilt drains,” he said. — By ANDY CHUA