GPS team to discuss flow study meant to improve traffic system in Sibu

Posted on 08 Jan 2022
Source of News: The Borneo Post (Peter Boon)

Motorists seen along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman during rush hour. — Photo from Facebook/Clarence TingMotorists seen along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman during rush hour. — Photo from Facebook/Clarence Ting

SIBU (Jan 8): The Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) team in Sibu would hold discussion over the proposed traffic flow study to be submitted to the state Ministry of Transport, said Bukit Assek assemblyman Joseph Chieng.

He pointed out the study as being ‘very important’ in helping to improve the traffic system in Sibu.

Moreover, he foresaw heavier traffic flow along Jalan Wong King Huo and Jalan Salim here, as more developments would come into these areas.

“I also anticipate that with the completion of the link road between Sibu Jaya and Jalan Kong Yit Khim in the future, there would be heavier traffic along Jalan Salim and Jalan Wong King Huo,” he said in a statement yesterday, issued in response to complaints voiced out by a Facebook user named Mathew Chung, who called upon the authorities to address the daily traffic jams affecting Jalan Jerrwit Barat and Jalan Wong King Huo (next to Bukit Lima Roundabout) here.

“Even getting out of the house with such a queue is problematic,” wrote Chung, having observed that many motorists from Jalan Bukit Lima Timur and some from Jalan Belatok would use Jalan Jerrwit Barat and Jalan Ming Huo to access the main road, Jalan Wong King Huo, before reaching the roundabout and proceeding to the town centre.

He lamented about the heavy traffic there during the peak hours, recalling that previously, vehicles could exit from Jalan Jerrwit, but motorists could no longer do this now as now, the traffic flow would only allow entry.

In this regard, Chieng said he recently engaged with the teams from Public Works Department (JKR) and Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) to discuss traffic issues in Sibu.

He recalled that a few years back, a traffic flow study had been conducted in the central business district (CBD) area with the intention of addressing the traffic issues affecting the town area.

However, Chieng noted that no traffic flow study had yet to be carried out over areas outside the CBD.

“That is why we need to talk to Ministry of Transport Sarawak, proposing that we should do a traffic flow study on areas outside the CBD – for example, areas along Jalan Wong King Huo, Jalan Salim, Jalan Oya, Jalan Deshon, Jalan Ling Kai Cheng, and Jalan Teng Chin Hua.

“At the moment the traffic (flow) outside the town area is as bad as the one in the town area, especially during peak hours,” he said, adding that the construction of a link road from Jalan Wong King Huo to Jalan Airport could be amongst the measures set to ease traffic congestion.

“This was one of the items included in my manifesto for the recent state election,” he said, adding that the GPS team would also be looking into other issues such as floods, clogged or broken drains and sinking roads.

Meanwhile, SMC chairman Clarence Ting said with regard to Chung’s complaints, the council would look into the matter closely.

In his own Facebook update yesterday, Ting observed heavy traffic along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman.

“Each morning, at rush hour, cars would back up to ‘Jabatan Kimia’ (Chemistry Department premises) or even further. I hope the JKR would look into solutions like closing the roundabout in front of JPJ (Road Transport Department building) and install traffic lights at Permai Exit.

“Some adjustments should be made as the volume of traffic on Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman would only grow in time,” he said in a statement.

In his remark, SMC Works and Traffic Standing Committee chairman Raymond Ting said his side had taken note of Chung’s complaints.