Kudos for a successful Borneo Cultural Festival

Posted on 02 Aug 2023
Source of News: The Star

The crowd enjoying the Borneo Cultural Festival held at Dataran Tuanku Bujang, Sibu in Sarawak.The crowd enjoying the Borneo Cultural Festival held at Dataran Tuanku Bujang, Sibu in Sarawak.

This year’s Borneo Cultural Festival (BCF 2023) was the cleanest and most visited edition so far, said Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) chairman Clarence Ting.

“This BCF is the cleanest that we have ever had,” he said during the SMC full board meeting.

Ting added that two visiting academics from Namibia and Germany, who were in town to look into preparations for the Participatory Design Conference (PDC) 2024 which Sibu will be hosting, attested to the town square’s cleanliness.

The conference is a biennial event that attracts around 250 delegates from up to 30 countries. It examines the role of people in the development of products and new technologies.

“We all worked as one for BCF,” said Ting.

“The United Chinese Association organised a lot of events and so did the Malay-Melanau and Dayak groups,” he said.

He singled out the Dayak group that attracted over 10,000 people to the Kumang beauty pageant at BCF.

He said it featured participants from outside Sibu, with many who came to support their chosen contestants.

“This is a good sign. With Sibu located in the central region of Sarawak, we have to take full advantage by including participants from other places in the region,” he said.

Ting added that BCF 2024 would take place in mid-August after PDC.